In 1984 four Montana men recognized the need for an organization to protect and ensure the future of our majestic, rocky mountain elk species and pooled their resources into creating the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF). Built around the same core values of Fair Chase and conservation, it wasn’t until 2010, after relocating the company from California to Idaho, that Buck Knives really solidified the relationship with the good people at RMEF. Buck Knives has supported RMEF’s mission to ensure the future of elk, other wildlife and their habitat in countless ways – from manufacturing membership knives to sponsoring events.
Once Buck relocated to Idaho, CJ Buck, CEO and Chairman, was taken aback by the beauty of the land and hunting opportunities that lie in the Pacific Northwest. The leaders at Buck believe that hunting is not just a privilege that needs to be protected, but that hunting is the most versatile, localized, self-regulating and self-funded wildlife management tool ever invented. Furthermore, funds derived from hunting licenses and fees combined with excise taxes, provide critical funding for nationwide conservation efforts. Putting these beliefs in action, Buck Knives has strived to support RMEF along with many other conservation organizations.
We hope you enjoy this film the talented crew at RMEF has created to tell our Buck Knives story.
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